To assist you in the implementation process of the CMMS within your organization, we offer a comprehensive range of services in maintenance engineering, training, support, and IT. Services can be provided on-site when necessary or required.
Maintenance Engineering Services, CMMS Implementation:
- Project management
- Change management
- Identification of desired operating processes
- Validation of key performance indicators and dashboards to be extracted from the CMMS
- Definition of typical hierarchies based on the sites to be integrated into the CMMS
- Definition and configuration of the desired maintenance process
- Definition of equipment families and classifications
- Definition of article and spare part families and classifications for maintenance
- Definition of maintenance schedules
- CMMS configuration and parameterization
- Data integration
- Definition of roles and users
- User training
- User support
IT Services:
- Business analysis
- Functional analysis
- Modeling
- Software development: interfaces, new modules, reports, functionalities, etc.
- Support for IT infrastructures
- Database support and optimization
- Networking and security