
NJ-Mobile Work Orders – a mobile application that allows technicians on the field to access their maintenance schedule, track work orders, enter their time and consumed parts, obtain customer signatures upon completion of work, and create new work orders on-site.
NJ-Mobile Work History – a mobile application that provides access to the complete maintenance history of equipment and installations. The application can utilize the mobile device’s camera to scan barcodes or QR codes of the equipment to retrieve relevant information.

NJ-Mobile Stock Management – a mobile application for parts inventory management. It allows users to check stock levels, perform stock withdrawals, returns, and inventory adjustments. The application can use the mobile device’s camera to scan barcodes or QR codes of the parts.
NJ-Mobile Meters – a mobile application that enables technicians in the field to capture meter readings. The search can be done by equipment or meter category.

NJ-Mobile GPS – a mobile application that displays all equipment and their status on a map. Users can submit intervention requests for equipment and locations, attach photos to the requests, and track their progress. This application is based on Google Map technology.
NJ-Mobile File Transfer – a mobile application that allows attaching files to work orders and transferring them to the central NJ-Maintenance CMMS. Files can include photos, videos, PDF, Word, Excel documents, etc.

NJ-Mobile TakeOver – a mobile application for site takeover, allowing users to validate and modify equipment information (description, technical details, components, meters, etc.), capture photos, and attach them to the equipment.